Planetary Alignments & Earthquakes 2011 Predictions

The seems to be a correlation between planetary alignments and earthquake activity. The push and pull of the closest planets have a (most scientists say subtle effect) environmental effect upon the operation of our planet.Read more about the predicted earthquakes for 2011, based on planetary alignments.

Dates to watch out for:

April 7, 2011
Jupiter/Sun alignment – most powerful
The earth is involved in 2 alignments on this day and will be under the influence of Jupiter on this day. (Approximation)
Fairly large earthquake expected on this date.

April 16, 2011
8+ earthquake potential expected
Earth moves away from Jupiter, but Uranus , Earth, and Mars alignment. Greece potential location?

June2, 2011
Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Sun alignment occurring.

June 13, 2011
Mercury in dual alignment. Potential volcanic eruption/6+ earthquake activity expected

August 11, 2011
The planets closest to the Sun, in relation to the Sun are involved in this day’s alignment.

August 21, 2011
Neptune, Earth, Sun, Venus alignment. 7+ earthquake expected

Sept, 25, 2011
7+ earthquake expected

Oct 19, 2011
6.3 earthquake predicted.


One thought on “Planetary Alignments & Earthquakes 2011 Predictions

  1. you were right about the 6+ on June 13th. I live in Christchurch, NZ and we had a couple, the biggest being 6.3. Well done

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